Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This week I went to Brussels which is inside of Belgium. It is known for its chocolate and I will tell you what, I had a good amount! The chocolate store we went to is super close to the Grand Place, the way I always say it is wrong and I call it the Grand Palace on mistake! It is super beautiful. Brussels is also known for comics and we went to a really neat museum about that stuff. It had a lot of Smurf things in it because the man who created the Smurf comics was from Belgium. All texts in the museum are in French, Dutch and a few were in English. The coolest thing that we went to was the Atomium. It is made of tubes and 9 spheres, but giant ones. I had a really good dish of spaghetti with fresh parmesan cheese that was in a really neat bowl like a medieval pot, my brother had the same and my mummy had duck breast. After lunch we took a tour of the different spheres. In one of the spheres kids can sleep overnight in there! They sleep in mini spheres that are inside the big sphere! To get out of all of the rooms you would have to go through the tubes! On a whole separate thing we decided to go to the E.U. (European Union) Parliament. It was really huge and had some really neat chairs in it that were pink, green, yellow, blue and maybe a few more that I didn’t realize were even there. But that is not all, because they had a really neat area that looked like a disco room with all the lights and colors and it was awesome! The European Union is practically like a giant government and there are many buildings of the European Union in Brussels. Even though we now have had the trip gone by, we still have speculoos to eat that we bought in Belgium to remind us of our wonderful trip we took with good friends.


  1. Layla..........I am learning much about your
    travels and love to hear what you are doing
    and seeing the photos also. Happy Valentine's
    Day to You!

    1. Happy Valentine's Day to you! I really like the Valentine's package you mailed. I'm going to eat a few chocolates tonight. xoxo

  2. Layla, what a fantastic blog you are writing, and thank you for my Valentine letter. I'm so pleased you are enjoying helping me with the Library displays. Are we getting the flags out again on Monday?

    1. I love helping you in the library! Germany was fun and I think Spain will probably be the same. I have quite a few flags ready to be put up on the balcony and some other things too. I can't wait.

  3. Those spheres look really cool, and must be really big! That would be so much fun to sleep in one.
