Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lake District

Noticing we didn’t have much time left in England was super sad and we were looking for a good place to hit as one of our last trips. We chose the Lake District. Here is a little hint; it was so fun and crazy cool. We got to an area called Barrow-Furness a bit before dinner but still had time to go around a little bit. We walked about 2 miles. We didn’t truly know where we were going other than we wanted to end up at the shining sea. It was beautiful. We went down to the dock and saw live clams, dead clams and we even saw some tiny Jellyfish. The day after we went straight to a fun little sports day. We had so much fun playing golf, tennis, badminton, and football. For a break we went down to the beach to collect shells. Later that day we went to Elterwater in the Lake District. As we were driving on the big road to get there, guess what we saw? We saw what looked like a zoo, but it was right out by the highway. There were giraffes, rhinos and lions! The main part of the Lake District was beautiful. We saw sheep and we saw lambs. We saw two huge waterfalls that were amazing. One of them went two separate ways down to the lake. Under the other one there was a giant glob of mush! The sound the waterfall made is like the waves crashing and pebbles clinking down.


  1. Dear Layla,
    That water fall is very pretty, and the zoo thing is pretty cool as well. I know that you don`t want to leave but I miss you.

    Sinclair *~*

  2. Hi Sinclair. I will miss England very much, but I will be very happy to get home and play with you! I have missed you very much too.
    Love, Layla
