Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Class is Great

Last Friday was my last day of school! It was fun to know I would now be on Winter Break. My class made me a really pretty Eiffel Tower because I love it and will be seeing it on my trip. I saw it when I was four years old. My class decided they wanted to surprise me. They were fun and sneaky and told me that they were working on a rocket ship in the kitchen of our classroom, but really they were making the Eiffel Tower out of craft sticks. I got picked for recycle because that was part of Mr. R’s secret plan to get me out of the room. Joey and I did recycle and came back in the room very quiet because we all thought they were watching Treasure Island (my favorite character is Jim Hawkins because he fights pirates and he saves the Hispaniola). The class was not watching it, though. They were all in a row from shortest to tallest. I hung my coat up (it was very cold outside where the barn is and that is where we put the recyclables). Whenever I turned around all 23 kids (there are 25 but two of us were by the door) started to sing Bon Voyage Layla to me. They had put a cupcake on top of the Eiffel Tower which was in front of them. They also made a humongous card. Here is a photo of the pretty Eiffel Tower they made from scratch. I will keep it forever and the memories of my super class.


  1. I love your blog!
    I'm looking forward to reading your blog when you're in Europe.

  2. I really like your blog, Layla. From Joey

  3. Hi. When you are back at school you will have to let me know what is going on with the bug structure and other cool projects. Miss you.
