Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Where I Will Live

The day after Christmas I will be leaving on a big, exciting adventure. I will go on a plane and take a flight to England. I will be living right next to a castle. The castle is close to Grantham. Harlaxton Manor is the place I will be at for the next four months because my Mum will be teaching there. Harlaxton Manor was started in the 1830s by Gregory Gregory. Isn't that a fun name? Gregory Gregory wanted more space for his horses and stuff so he made an extra carriage house. That is where I will be staying. It's a place called Gregory's Cottage. I will try and find all of the secret passageways inside of Harlaxton Manor. Maybe I can show you them. I will enjoy writing about where I am and all of the places I go.


  1. Layla,
    I am so excited to read about all of your adventures in Europe! Hopefully you get to see everything you want to see!


  2. Layla,
    I can't wait to get to read all of your posts!

  3. Dear Layla,
    That castle is very pretty.
    You are lucky to be there.

