Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Burghley House

My mum, brother and I went on a Harlaxton field trip to the Burghley house. It was so cool. The person who built the Burghley house was William Cecil. William Cecil lived from 1520-1598. He was the Principal advisor for Elizabeth 1. During his lifetime, William Cecil, the first Lord Burghley, was one of the most powerful men in England. He built the Burghley House for his family, not himself. He only came here occasionally. The journey to London (about 85 miles) took two days on horseback. Queen Elizabeth 1 came to throne in 1558 and died in 1603. Another person that later lived in the Burghley house was Lord David Burghley. Lord David Burghley won a gold medal in the Olympics that were held in Amsterdam in 1928. In the Burghley House we got to see the things he wore in the Olympics including his cleats and uniform. We also saw the hurdle that Lord Burghley would run full speed and jump over. In the Burghley House we saw where Queen Elizabeth would have stayed, wow! In the Burghley House there are over 300 paintings. There was this one place in the Burghley House that had an old chess board. Instead of rooks, the pieces were elephants. All the pieces were of the Indian army because India was one of the first places to play chess, and the kings would choose how the pieces look. In most of the rooms of the Burghley House there would be a door for the servants to slip in and out of. Here are a few words from the Elizabethan time and what they are now. The Elizabethan word for why is wherefore. An Elizabethan word for very is verily. An Elizabethan word for away is aroint. Isn’t that interesting? After everything it was Tea Time so we went into the little cafĂ© and had some proper tea (my mum had cappucino and almond cake with cream, my brother had milk and a brownie and I tried tea and a brownie)!


  1. Layla....Verily good blog, my girl. Wow, that
    really is a mansion. Remember the day we had
    hot tea at our little tea party - did you like
    English tea better?? I think you were in the
    photo taking during the Costume Ball, right?
    Enjoy your weekend, and have a Happy Easter!!

    1. I do remember our tea party. It was fun to use our little mini tea cups!

  2. I love the connection you made between modern english and old english! With your vivid description, I can tell you had a great day at Burghley House!
    Thank you for sharing!
