Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Munich, Germany

We are in Germany!  I can’t believe it! Again there was a different language/accent. In class we learned some German, and even went to a very fun German restaurant in Indiana. It was called the Schnitzelbank. It’s a great name. What we have been doing on this trip is first we flew over to Germany with our friends, the Lothamers, and landed in Munich. We walked around a little bit and then it was time for lunch. We didn’t just have any lunch—we had a lunch in a huge revolving tower. It is called the Olympiaturm. You can see it in our picture. After lunch we walked around Olympiapark, where they held the 1972 Olympics. That night I had potato pancakes and mashed apples (applesauce) for dinner. My mum had spinach strudel. The name of this restaurant was Kuchloerzeichnis.

1 comment:

  1. How fun to have some friends traveling with you! Wow....looks like a fun place to go up in, and then to get to eat up there too!! What a name for a restaurant, but I do love German food!

