Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 We went to Madrid. We visited several places and spent the most time at Plaza Mayor. The streetlamps have what looked like an ancient design pattern that is wavy and gorgeous. At most plazas there are street performers. We saw one that was a goat with lots of streamers and sparkles. We saw another street performer that I thought was very, very cool and it was a guy making music out of glasses. The way you do that is use different sizes of glasses with different amounts of water in it and it makes a different tone. At Plaza Mayor people do different things. It not only has street performers and shops and cafes, but it has held markets, soccer games and bullfights. From the Plaza Mayor you don't have to walk a long distance to get to where we ate. It was at the Restaurant Botin. It is the oldest restaurant anywhere in the world. Ernest Hemingway used to eat at this restaurant. My mum has read all his books and she visited this restaurant before and couldn't wait to go back. Ernest Hemingway even wrote about the restaurant in his book The Sun Also Rises. We ate in the downstairs where it was all brick on the walls and it looked like a wine cellar. I ate scrambled eggs with green asparagus and my mum ate cheese and bread and a fish casserole. Last year we went to a Hemingway Museum in Chicago.  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that picture of your mom in front of Botin... glad she finally let you put her on your blog;)
