Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Terrific Grandpa

My Papa died this week. He was a big part of my life. Without him there would not be such a thing as the Big Mouth Frog joke, my favorite joke in the whole world he would tell Brock and me. Every Saturday morning he would come over for cappuccinos, a special tradition. He made the coolest clubhouse for us with lots of windows and a real doorbell that I could ring. I would play cornhole with him and go fishing. He made a high chair for my American Girl dolls. He was a great tennis player, and he taught me how to play tennis. Every time I would see him he would give me a Papa’s mint, a peppermint. In the top photo is me, Papa and Brock sucking our thumbs. Papa used to tease me how I sucked my thumb so he and Brock acted like me. In the bottom picture, it is a picture of the three of us again. Every time he comes over for cappos he would have a fun lesson or thing to do. My mum used to be a reporter in New York, so Papa got us a typewriter so I could write stories too. I love the typewriter. In the same picture Papa is teaching Brock about money because that was a popular thing for them to do. Even though my blog is about my travels in England, we got the call about my Papa in England and are going to be in the USA for a few days. My Papa was the kind of person any child would want to have as a grandpa.


  1. Dear Layla,

    I am so sorry about what happened. He seems really fun.



    1. Thanks so much. It's good to know a friend like you is there for me.

  2. Sorry about your grandpa. He really sounds like fun.


  3. Dear Layla,i am soo sorry to hear about your grandfather.

  4. Dear Layla
    sorry to here about your grandfather. He sounds really fun.

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Jake. It feels good that you know what I mean, but I'm sorry you had to go through something too. I hope that you have good memories.

  6. Sorry for your loss. I hope you feel better soon.
    We still miss you.


  7. A big thanks to everybody. It makes me feel better to know that you are thinking of me. I miss you all and am glad you are my friends. Love, Layla

  8. Dear Layla,
    I am sorry. I hope you feel better.

    From Naina

  9. Dear Layla,
    I am sorry what happen to your grandpa.


  10. Dear Layla

    Sorry what happened to your grandfather.
    From Ashton

  11. Dear Layla,

    I am sorry. I hope you feel better.


  12. Dear layla, I am so sorry about your grandpa.I know you will miss him alot.I hope you feel better.I miss you!

    love and hugs,

    1. Hi Sky. I know you have fun grandpas too, so you know how great it is to be with them. I will miss my grandpa so much. Thank you for sending me a note. I miss you too and we will play this summer. Love, Layla

  13. Dear Layla,
    Sorry to hear about your grandpa he seems like a nice guy. I know how special my grandpa is to me so I know how you feel. I miss you so much! Hope you feel better.


    1. I am glad you know what it feels like to have a grandpa like that. You always have something to smile about, so I am sure you and your grandpa laugh a lot.
      Love, Layla

  14. Dear Layla,

    I am soo sorry about what happened to your grandfather.


    1. Hi Irene. I am back in England, and I was happy to see your comment. I enjoyed it, and it made me happy.

  15. Layla.....I am so sorry about your grandpa. I'm sure he was a
    wonderful grandpa and loved you and your mom so much.

    1. Mum and I are sad that he is not here. Thank you for making us chocolate chip cookies. We've almost finished them. They are yummy in my tummy.

  16. Dear Layla:

    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather -- for you and your family. I know that you will miss your grandfather very much, but I also know that you surely made him so happy with your love, your bright mind, your cheerfulness and your beauty.

    I really admire how both you and Brock write about your sorrow and your grandfather. You both are very fine and specific writers, which I admire.

    Please know that we are all thinking of you.

    all our love,


    1. Dear Margaret. Your note to me was very nice. It made me joyful and spirited. Love and hugs and many teary hopes, Layla

  17. Dear Layla,
    I was so sad when I heard about your grandfather. You have such special memories of him and he will always be with you through those. It is wonderful that you could share some of those with us through your blog.

  18. Dear Layla- I am so sorry about your Papa. I was also in 2nd grade when my Papaw passed away. It sounds like you had a wonderfully fun relationship with lots of laughs! I know you will miss him so much. You are lucky to have such great memories of your times together. And I'm sure he LOVED being your Papa as much as you loved having him as your Papa. Hugs to you and see you soon:)

  19. Dear Layla,

    Your Papa was really special. We wish we had met him, but feel like we have after hearing all of the wonderful stories, and seeing so many fun pictures that you and your mom shared with us. I know this is a sad time for you and your family, but laugh often, your Papa would want you to be happy.


  20. Hi Layla,
    I have been reading your blog entries and love seeing all your pictures. The picture of your Papa and Brock sucking their thumbs with you is priceless. I know he was so much fun and loved you so much. I am glad you have so many great memories of your Papa. I know he watches over you now and continues to be so proud of you!!!
    Aunt Nancy

  21. Layla - this is a beautiful blog entry. You must remember all the good fun times that you had with Papa. Treasure them in your heart, and there they will stay, forever. Remember too that your Harlaxton family are here for you.
    Linda x
