Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Notre Dame

On our trip to Paris we went to Notre Dame. Notre Dame is a beautiful church that is on a little island in Paris (it is called the Ile de la Cité). If you have been watching most of my blog posts you might have seen the one about my Grandpa. Inside of the church you are allowed to light candles for loved and missed ones. My mum, brother and I lit one for Papa. It did make me teary, but it also made me smile. Through the church there were neat things but I adored a very beautiful stained glass window. It was all different colors of blue, green, yellow and purple, and maybe some more. The Notre Dame was an experience.

1 comment:

  1. What a special church you were able to visit. Kirk and I got to go there when Andrew was just a baby and Justin wasn't born yet. Kirk flew over there for his job, and I got to go to Paris with him. Since we are Catholic, this church had extra special meanting to us. I love that you lit a candle for your Papa. This is something we do at our church when we are praying for someone special. It always gives me comfort as I hope it did for you.

    Love, Sandy
