Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I arrived at Harlaxton! It is like a castle. I am living in a carriage house built next to it. It was built about 1837 by Gregory Gregory. That’s like Alisha’s name being Alisha Alisha or Mr. R's name being Mr. R Mr. R! I wish you guys were here with me. My Cottage is amazing. My Cottage is a five roomed place with a entry area you can play in. Brock and my room has a bulletin board so if you send me a picture I will put it up. The carriage house and the Manor are surrounded by paths, gardens, and beautiful old trees. There is a basketball court 30 seconds away from my Cottage. It is a big gym with soccer balls, ping pong table, treadmills, volleyballs, and footballs. The Manor is fun to run around in. Whenever I was in the State Dining Room we found out (from Dr. Kingsley) that there was a secret passageway close by. We found it pretty fast. Dr. Kingsley is the president of Harlaxton College. He is a really nice and fun man. This is a picture of he and I in front of one of the secret passageways.


  1. Yeah glad you made it!! How many hours ahead is it there?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey Layla - sounds like you are having a ball and such an educational trip.....very different from reading about it in a book. I thoroughly have enjoyed reading about your daily adventures. Can't wait to read more tomorrow! We miss you all - love to you! Nana

  3. Nice! To the class it looks like Hogwarts! Can you find any more secret passage ways?

  4. So cool - a secret passageway. Emily, Joey, and AJ will be thrilled to see this picture!

  5. We have found more secret passageways! One has a pulley and you work it from one side of the room and it moves things on the other side of the room!
