Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twin Towns

We went to Newburgh. Don't be thinking it's Newburgh the town back at home. I mean the Newburgh in Europe. It's the Newburgh that is a small village in the UK. There are so many old and pretty buildings in this little village. They pronounce Newburgh different than we do. They pronounce Newburgh with a silent g and you sortof roll your r. We went to the Newburgh post office. The post office was built in the 17th century. Before the post office was what it is now it was a alehouse, a tailors which is where your clothes get fixed and made to fit you, and a bakery. It is a teahouse and post office now.


  1. That's really cool. We were reading it on the circle, and Mr. R. was saying it wrong until Cameron raised his hand. About the same time, we read the part you wrote about leaving the "g" off. Oh well!

  2. So it is Newburrrr? That is so neat that you got to go there.

  3. I had to get used to saying it different too. It is pronounced like the end of zebra. I learned something else too. When I visited Liverpool I learned the band are spelled Beatles. I had thought it was beetles like the bug!
