Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today I went to my mummy’s class. She talked about M.L.K. Jr. In America we celebrate him on every third Monday of January, his real birthday is on the fifteenth though. When he was born on the fifteenth his name was Michael Luther King Jr. (not Martin). Sometimes people would blow water hoses or hang black people from ropes just because they were black. It was not good at all. Martin Luther King Jr. made a great difference in the world and for all the people in it. He even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. You can win the Nobel Prize in different categories like medicine. M.L.K. Jr. won the one for peace because he was full of peace and worked to make the U.S. have equal rights. In the earlier years Martin Luther King Jr. married a lady that worked for a music studio. They had children a little while after that. During this time black people would get treated not as nice because they were the color they were. Sometimes they would get arrested for saying what they believed. Even Martin Luther King Jr. got arrested. I’m glad the world has changed.


  1. Layla, we really enjoyed what you wrote on MLK Day! Addison and Skylar wanted me to tell you we sang Happy Birthday to Martin Luther King over a big cookie cake :). We miss you guys!
    Love, Aunt Veen

  2. Hi Layla....Sure love the pictures
    along with your comments!

  3. Layla, I think these are wonderful blogs! I am looking forward to reading all about you get to see and do here in England.
