Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Great to be 8

This video is Dr. Kingsley and all the faculty and their families singing to me Happy Birthday. They sang the original Harlaxton special Happy Birthday song and they sang the Happy Birthday song that we sing to each other. The Harlaxton song is silly.


  1. Those were some great songs! A very happy birthday to a very sweet girl.

  2. Thanks. I thought they were really neat too. I can't wait to read the books you mailed all the way to England!

  3. happy birthday to our princess number two!
    papa and nana

  4. Looks like a fun birthday. Happy
    8th Birthday!! Did we hear your mom in the background during the Harlaxton song?

  5. Happy Birthday, Layla! We miss you and send you the warmest birthday wishes:)

  6. Thanks everybody. I love you all and mommy giggled at being princess number two. She said she is just glad not to be the old maid.

  7. That is one awkward birthday song!

  8. Cha cha CHA!!! Happy Birthy-day, Layla!

    - Mr. R. and the class

  9. It IS great to be 8! And what a fun way to celebrate:) I bet you will remember this birthday for years to come!!!
