Thanks for coming to see me (Layla Leigh) on my blog. I hope you like it. I will write about my four months in Europe.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


This weekend I went to Nottingham. In the middle of Nottingham is the market square. We (my mum, brother and I) decided to go to the Gallery of Justice Museum. It used to be a prison. We got to go into a cell called the Night Cell. I didn't like the look of it. I did think it was cool though. It was super dark. We passed a box with a crank. The prisoners would have to turn the crank 10,000 times a day just to keep them busy. The box with the crank did not do anything to help the prison's power or anything like that. In another area of the prison we saw rings and chains they would put around the prisoners. When we made our way out we walked onto some "footpaths." Footpaths are sidewalks in England. They call a few things different names than we do. Soccer is football, buses are coaches, a flashlight is a torch, a soccer field is a pitch, fries are chips and chips are crispies. I get our chips and their chips mixed up, you might too.


  1. Layla,
    You look so cute-even in the stocks.
    Love you,

  2. Thanks. I was stuck in there for a while, ahh!

  3. Layla- I ALWAYS got confused about the whole chips/crisps thing! Have you had a pizza or baked potato with corn on top yet???

  4. I've had pizza and a baked potato here but not with corn on top. I would try it though!
